Monday 25 February 2008

No follow tag on Blog comments- Throwing the baby out with the bath water?

I guess a lot of people have probably noticed that most of the major bogging platforms are now adding the no follow tag automatically to all links in the comment sections of blogs. The Theory is that this will prevent comment spamming as gaining a link in the comment section will have no SEO benefit. Seems like a good plan on the face of it but did anyone stop to think about all the good quality comments which do actually link to other relevant blogs? Is this not how search engines discover and rank these new blogs? In my opinion by not allowing comment links to be indexed a lot of great blogs will never be discovered. Also on a side note Yahoo still seems to follow and index these links even if it doesn’t transfer any web rank.

I guess the most sensible way of dealing with the spam would have been to force people to moderate their comments. Ah well talk about using a sledge hammer to crack an egg!

1 comment:

James Baldwin said...

Totally agree. As a blog owner, it really shouldn't be too hard to moderate any comments that are made to blog posts. You are given significant notifications and alerts that new replys have been added. Hell, you can approve them before they even appear on your comments section if you set it up to do so.

Seems a bit daft to not allow links to be followed to other possible related and worthwhile content sources, like you say.

Based on that, what's next? Forums? Directorys?